Friday, November 2, 2007

Smile Girls

Being my last full day here in Aus, why not do a photo shoot? No stress! So that's what we did. Mal Austin of Givenworks who is a great photographer and friend shot these photos for CityLife - a project for a new brochure that will represent all types of women. It was great fun and Mal did an awesome job. I was his assistant and got to learn from the master.

The shot of the girl with glasses is Wendy Li who will be designing the brochure and represnts the young professional and works for me. Then there's the group shot of the women; a shot of Anne who is from Uganda (the colourful one) and was the principle connection for this trip I am taking. Also there's Lauren (hands in her pockets) who is Anton's 2nd daughter; Sharon (what did yousay?); and an impromptu pseudo family shot but Ezra was in school.

A great time and I am glad it's over. Now I have to pack for the trip! One more sleep!

1 comment:

FiKaLo said...

Cool photos! they look like so much fun!

(Fi Lokot [i go to citylife] here... I stumbled across your blog.... I think I saw it linked in someone's blog who had left a link to their blog in someone else's blog)